Ants Kraut
Born on 19 September 1955 in Krasnojarsk, Hakassi Autonomous District, Russia Education and further studies:
Member of ICOMOS Estonian National Committee Member of European Association of Archaeologists Member of Europae Archaeologiae Consilium Member of Aerial Archaeology Research Group Member of Estonian Archaeological Society Member of Estonian Heritage Society Member of Estonian Society of Prehistoric Art Member of Estonian Society of Native Place Research Member of Estonian Place Names Council Member of Meteorititic Council, Estonian Academy of Sciences
Publications:1980 Spasatelnõje raskopki poselenija pozdnego eleznogo veka v Kuusalu / Rettungsgrabungen auf der jungeisenzeitlichen Siedlung in Kuusalu. Izv. AN ON - 1980.-T. 29, Nr 4.-C.382-386. 1981 Arheologitseskie raskopki v Kuusalu / Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Kuusalu. Izv. AN ON. -1981.-T.30 ,Nr 4. - C.408-411. 1985 Die Steinkistengräber von Jõelähtme, in: TA Toim.(Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, Social Sciences) 1985:4,348-350. 1995 Protection of ancient monuments and sites in present-day Estonia, in Jansson, I. (ed): Theses and papers in archaeology N.S. A 7. Archaeology East and West of the Baltic. Stockholm. 1998 Arheoloogiamälestised ja riiklik muinsuskaitse / Archaeological monuments and the state system of protection of cultural heritage. Archaeological Field Works in Estonia 1997. Muinsuskaitseinspektsioon, Tallinn, 237-251; Estonia: ochrona dziedzictwa archeologicznego. Ochrona dziedzictwa archeologicznego w Europie. Generalny Konserwator Zabytkow. Stowarzyszenie Naukowe Archeologow Polskich, Warszawa, 290-300. 1999 Arheoloogiamälestised kultuurimälestiste registris /Archaeological monuments in the national record of cultural heritage. Archaeological Field Works in Estonia 1998. Muinsuskaitseinspektsioon, Tallinn, 177-180. 2000 Arheoloogiamälestiste kaitse 1999 -2000 / Heritage protection in 1999-2000. Archaeological Field Works in Estonia 2000. Muinsuskaitseinspektsioon, Tallinn, 117-121; European Cultural Paths. Final Report, Estonian partner project, in Lorentzen, A.H., Michaelsen,K.K. (eds):European Cultural Paths. Conference in Odense, September 13th,1999. Skrifter fra Odense Bys Museer Vol.7 2000, 67-75; Archaeological heritage protection in Estonia, in: Kobyliński, Z. (ed): Archaeologia Polona. Volume 38:2000.Warsaw, 87-100. 2002 European Cultural Paths - a model of cooperation between archaeologists and management in preservation of cultural landscapes, in Fairclough, G.J., and Rippon, S.J. (eds), forthcoming : Europe’s cultural landscape: archaeologists and the management of change, Europae Archaeologiae Consilium (EAC occasional paper no 2); Türi kihelkond muinasajal. Kilde Türi kihelkonna ja linna ajaloost II, forthcoming, Türi 2002, 1-10. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||