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Culture 2000

European Union


Dr David Gwyn MIFA FSA

Dr Gwyn graduated in English Literature at the University of Cambridge, and carried out doctoral research at Trinity College, Dublin. After working with the Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, he now directs Govannon, an independent heritage consultancy specialising in industrial, social and landscape archaeology. He is editor of Industrial Archaeology Review.


Gwynedd Slate Quarry Survey 1996
Gwynedd Metalliferous Mines Survey 1997
Mynydd Parys Copper Mines Survey 1997
Conwy and Creuddyn Historic Landscape Characterisation 1998
Arfon Historic Landscape Characterisation 1999
Caernarfon-Nantlle Landscape Characterisation 2000
Glaslyn-Ffestiniog Landscape Characteristion 2001

Selected recent publications

Gofalu am Etifeddiaeth Ddiwydiannol Llechi/Caring for Industrial Heritage of Slate Cadw: Welsh Historic Monuments 2000

"Valentia Slate Slab Quarry", Cuman Seandáloichta is Staire Chiarrai/Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society 24 1995 for 1991

"Early Mineral Assaying in Dyffryn Conwy", Gwynedd Diwydiannol/Industrial Gwynedd I 1996

"The Archive of the Welsh Slate Industry", Archives: The Journal of the British Records Association 22 2 1999

"Power systems in Four Welsh Slate Quarries: a comparative study", Industrial Archaeology Review 21 1999

"From Blacksmith to Engineer; Artisan Technology in the North Wales Slate Industry" Llafur 7 1999

""Vaunting and Disrespectful Notions"; Charles Mercier"s Portrait of W.J. Parry, Lord Penrhyn and the Strike Committee" Transactions of the Caernarvonshire Historical Society 61 2000

"Hoisting Machinery in the Gwynedd Slate Industry", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 71 22 2001

"Transitional technology: the Nantlle Railway" in Early Railways 2001

"Associative landscape in a Welsh Context" in Europe"s Cultural Landscape: Archaeologists and the Management of Change (Europa Archaeologiae Consilium occasional paper 2)

"Technology transfer and peripheral culture: the case of Gwynedd 1750-1850", special edition of Industrial Archaeology Review for Conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage 2001

design: Kai M. Wurm
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