4 eggs, ¾ l milk, 750 g flour, 50 g sugar, a pinch of salt
Beat well eggs, salt and sugar. Add milk and flour and mix to a dough. Moisten
a linen cloth - napkin or tea towel - with boiling water and wring it out. Line
a mixing bowl with the moistened towel. Sprinkle the towel with flour and pour
the dough into the bowl. Sprinkle the top of the dough with flour and tie the
ends of the towel into a knot, leaving enough room for the dough to rise. Hang
the dough pouch over two crossed wooden ladles over a pot of boiling water.
There should be enough water to just cover the dough; let cook for two hours.
Remove the pouch from the water and leave it to rest for 5 minutes before collapsing
it onto a serving platter.
The Flour pouch is best served with fruit sauce, potatoes with porc and onion
butter or mustard sauce.
Sometimes the potatoes and porc are served after the flour pouch.
Black Flour Pouch
The ingredients are the same as for the white flour pouch with one exception:
replace the 750 ml of milk with pig blood. Prepare the pouch as described above.
This meal was preferably prepared for lunch on slaughtering days. Cardamom
was used as the main spice. The black flour pouch is served with a roasted sauce
of syrup and butter. Its black colour comes strictly from the pig blood. Cooking
with blood might not meet everyone's tastes, but it remains a vital ingredient
in the original recipe all the same.
The Dithmarscher Cuisine - a reflective image of the landscape