Prof. Dr. Lars O. G. LarssonBorne in V.Nöbbelöv, V.Nöbbelöv parish, April 13th, 1947. Fil. kand. (B.A.) degree in 1969 at the University of Lund in archaeology, history and quaternary geology. Amanuensis and assistant services 1970-72 and 1976-78. Scholarship for PhD-studies 1972-76. PhD degree 1978 in Archaeology at the University of Lund. Associate professor (lecturer) at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund, 1980-84. Full professor in Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund, since 1984. Field-work experienceSix years as field archaeologist, for the most part as excavation leader, in investigations of several and various types of excavation objects. ProjectsLeader of the project entitled Early Atlantic Settlement in Southern Sweden, 1971-80, with excavations at several localities. These comprised a range of sites in bog areas with investigations of complicated stratigraphies based upon three-dimensional documentation of artefacts and ecofacts Leader of The Skateholm project, which comprised the investigation of settlements and graves from the period 4.500-3.500 B.C. at an ancient lagoon in the southernmost part of Sweden. Leader of the project Neolithic settlement in a south Swedish inlet during the period 1980-86. The Neolithic settlement around the former lagoon at Skateholm was studied. During the period 1982-88 co-leader of the project The Cultural Landscape during 6.000 years. The research in this part was oriented at the relation between the society and the environment during the Neolithic period (3.000-1.500 B.C.) within an area of southern Sweden. Leader of a project entitled Late Palaeolithic of Southern Sweden (1989-1997), which involves excavations of sites from the period 12.000-10.000 B.P. Leader of the project Late Atlantic settlement in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula (1985-2001). In its initial phase the project was conducted in co-operation with colleagues at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Lisbon. The investigations started with the excavation of shell middens conjunctive to an ancient bay in southern Portugal during the period 6.000-5.000 B.P. Since 1991 the investigations of megalithic tombs in co-operation with Portuguese and German colleagues have been the major aim of the project. Leader of the project Middle and Late Stone Age in southern Africa. The project, which ran from 1995 to 2000,was aimed at studying the origin and development of this material culture in relation to human cognition and environmental changes. Excavations of caves and shelters occupied during the interval 150.000 - 2000 B.P. were the basis for this research. Co-leader of the project Social structure in southern Sweden during the Iron Age. The project aims at studying the social changes during more than a millennium, especially based upon the research of the large and long-studied/settled site Uppåkra in southwestern Scania. Extensive experience of cross-scientific co-operation, primarily with researchers within natural sciences, such as quaternary geology, quaternary biology, C 14-dating, osteology, anthropology, palaeoecology and human geography. Extensive experience of teaching within the subject area of archaeology. Parallel to teaching and research within the university he has, through the media of articles, books, courses, lectures and exhibitions communicated popular science. By means of travels and participation in congresses, t a broad experience and knowledge of Stone Age research, lately of Iron Age research as well, in many parts of the world has been gained. Publications:The complete list of publications includes more than 260 articles, five books and eleven edited books. Following is a list of selected publications: The list of publications includes all together c. 260 articles, five books and eleven edited books such as: 1978. Ageröd I:B - I:D. A Study of Early Atlantic Settlement in Scania. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia 4:12. Lund. 258 pp. diss. 1982. Segebro. En tidigatlantisk boplats vid Sege ås mynning. Malmöfynd 4. Malmö. 140 pp. 1983. Ageröd V. An Atlantic Bog Site in Central Scania. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia 8:12. Lund. 172 pp. 1988 The Skateholm Project. I. Man and environment. Regiae Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis LXXIX, 180 pp. 1989 Stridsyxekultur i Sydskandinavien. University of Lund, Institute of Archaeology No. 36, 243 pp. 1992 - & Callmer, J. & Stjernquist, B. The Archaeology of the Cultural Landscape. Field work and research in a south Swedish Rural Region. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia 4:19, 508 pp. 1996 The Earliest Settlement of Scandinavia and its relationship with neighbouring areas. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia 8:24. pp. 306. 1998 - & Hårdh, B. (red.), Centrala Platser - Centrala Frågor. Samhällsstrukturen under Järnåldern. En Vänbok till Berta Stjernquist. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia 4:28. 326 pp. 1998 - & Stjernquist, B. (eds.), The World-View of Prehistoric Man. Papers presented at a symposium in Lund, 5-7 May 1997 arranged by the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. Konferenser 40. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. 274 pp. 1999.& J., Bewley, R. & Mellars, P. (eds.), World Prehistory. Studies in Memory of Grahame Clark. Proceedings of the British Academy 99, pp. 87-106. 2000. Plenty of mammoths but no humans? Scandinavia during the Middle Weichselian. Roebroeks, W., Mussi, M., Svoboda, J. & Fennema, K. (eds.), Hunters of the Golden Age. The Mid Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia 30,000 - 20,000. Leiden, pp 155-163. 2000. The passage of axes: fire transformation of flint objects in the Neolithic of southern Sweden. Antiquity 74, No. 285, pp. 602-610. Editing journal and series Meddelanden från Lunds universitets historiska museum (Papers of the Archaeological Institute University of Lund), New Series, Vol. 6-9 (1985-1994). Lund Archaeological Review Vol. 1-4 (1995-1998) Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series prima in 4o, Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series altera in 8o, Report Series (since 1984). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||